Petty's is one of Melbourne’s oldest commercial orchards, and it holds the largest collection of apple varieties on mainland Australia, with more than two hundred varieties of old and rare apples.
It's on Homestead Rd, Templestowe and is open every Friday for organic produce markets and also by appointment. School or group tours available.
There is a single toilet block which has facilities for the disabled. The car park and Demonstration Orchard are relatively flat providing disabled access, although tracks through the latter are fine gravel and mown grass which can be slippery when wet. The wetland and bird hide are less accessible and people with physical mobility problems will have to be fit to negotiate some areas.
While managed by Parks Victoria, 25 hectares of Pettys is privately leased to a commercial operator. The Heritage Fruits Society maintains and promotes the heritage collection at Petty's Orchard.
The Orchard dates back to the late 1800s and includes a Museum with displays of old farm machinery, and information boards describing the evolution of fruit-growing in the district.
The property actually extends to the Main Yarra Trail, at the Yarra River, and cyclists or hikers can enter via a walking track leading from the Trail. Candlebark Park is adjacent to the orchard. A large lake offers nice views across the plantations.
This will autoplay - it displays a sequence of images taken in 2015 of various scenes in Petty' s Orchard. Click any image to display a full sized view - mouseover for the Description!