Alphington Park

I'Alphington Wetlands (May 2015)
Alphington Park's peaceful surrounds on the banks of the Yarra River and wetlands are a scenic spot for a picnic, accessed from Lower Heidelberg Rd.
A playground, barbeque area, sports ground, bowls club and dog friendly area will also keep the family occupied.
A sports ground with grandstand and bowls club are also located at Alphington Park.
Developed in 1912, Alphington Park is full of historical monuments, including the First World War Soldier's Memorial (built in 1921) and the Second World War memorial drinking fountain and playground (constructed in 1945).
The Yarra River wetlands that adjoin the park provide a glimpse of what the area looked like prior to European settlement.
The wetlands were revegetated in recent years, but several old trees still remain.
In October 2009, Alphington Park was officially certified as one of Victoria's most environmentally sustainable parks.
A pathway extends down to the Yarra, the site of the former Alphingon Swimming Pool. Some artefacts survive, incluing the concrete wading pool, steps, and entry handrails. Information boards provide photographs and details about the history of the district and the pool.
A large lake nestles next to the Yarra, with residnt ducks and other water birds!
Photos taken by the author in May 2015
