Coate Park

This small Park on the north bank of the Yarra is located just to the west of the Chandler Highay Bridge and is of signficant heritage importance.
It provides a glimpse into the not-so-distant past; mown lawn slopes and mature exotic trees hark back to the heyday of boating and parties held on the banks of the Yarra River.
It's at the end of Yarraford Avenue, off the Lower Heidelberg Rd.
Next to the Walking Trail at the edge of the river is a series of information boards, describing various asloects of indikfenoius heritage, and flora of the location. Several stone sculptures depicting the fauna ofn the area may also be viewed.
The Trail may be followed to the east, where it passes under the Chandler Bridge and then enters the Aphington Park Wetland area.
The Faifield Boathouse is further to the west.
Images at Coate Park, May 2015

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