
The Yarra, adjacent to the Kew Billabong
The Middle Yarra Parklands form a main part of the Melbourne Yarra Wildlife Corridor, extending from the Chandler Highway in the west, to Burke Rd in the east.
Other Parklands adjoin the Middle Yarra Section - they are Yarra Bend Park west of the Chandler Highway, and the Yarra Valley Parklands east of Burke Rd.
Between these extremities the Yarra meanders through what became known as the Chandler Flood Plain, twisting and turning in a convoluted route, with many bends and loops.
Over a long period, the course of the Yarra has changed - in the 1960s the construction of the Eastern Freeway further altered the course of the River.
The principal permanent watercourses entering the Yarra in this area are:
The Darebin Creek - the confluence is in the La Trobe Golf Course land
Glass Creek - meets the Yarra in land occupied by the Kew Golf Course
A small un-named creek enters the Yarra near the Wilson Reserve picnic ground.
Prior to European settlement, the Middle Yarra flooded regularly, creating an amazing series of Billabongs, some of which endure to the present day, with the principal ones being Bailey Billabong, Burke Rd Billabong, Horseshoe Bend Billabong, Alphington Wetlands Billabong, and the Kew Billabong.
Between the main Billabongs exist many lagoons and low-lying marshy areas. The early settlers discovered to their chagrine that the land surrounding the Yarra was largely unsuitable for permanent agriculture, fruit growing, cattle or general farming.
The Parks are on both sides of the Yarra.