The Yarra Lakes Proposal

By 1895, the Outer Circle Railway had closed down and all rolling stock had been removed.
Bridges remained intact, but platforms began to fall into disrepair.
It was not until 1900 that sections of the OCR would reopen for mixed goods and passenger traffic, initially between Deepdene and Ashburton, and later extended to East Kew.
The Chandler Bridge remained intact - the rails would not be removed until decades later.
In 1904, citizens were advocating for a Yarra Lakes scheme, and this abridged article from the Melbourne "Table Talk" magazine of November 17 1904 describes the project.
"It was proposed to construct a dam across the Yarra at a point below the Outer Circle 'Railway' Bridge, which would have the effect of throwing back the waters of the river and forming a large lake.
Running back to Templestowe, a distance of six miles, forming a delightful pleasure resort, it would be an inestimable boon to the people of Melbourne.
There could be no less than four distinct bends, showing a wide expanse of water and picturesque snatches of scenery.
Beyond the merely pleasure-affording aspect of the under taking, several additional benefits are advanced:
It would enable the periodical floods to be kept in check and it could be utilised to flush the lower reaches of the river in summer.
In case of emergency the large body of water, held in reserve so close to Melbourne, could bo used for many other useful purposes.
It is calculated that the water power generated by the.fall of the river out of the lake and utilised for electric purposes would more than pay interest on the capital required.
The sketch shown above is of the Lake, as it would be seen from Kew".
Author's Comments
A grandiose plan, which never happened! The area which would be inundated would have extended east to the Bolin Bolin Billabong (present day Bulleen) and occupy the site of present day Chandler Park, Willsmere Park, the Kew Billabong, Horseshoe Bend, the golf courses on the north bank, part of Ivanhoe, crossing over what is now Burke Rd North, then past the Banyule Native Gardens and Banyule Swamp.
An appreciation of the size of the area can be gained from the Eastern Freeway, looking to the north from the Belford Rd bridge.
Note: The "Fancy Sketch" (above) has been " colorized" by the Author.