
I858 - Johnston St Bridge (SLV)
Grateful acknowledgment is extended to the following organizations and institutions for information used in researching this Project
State Library of Victoria
National Library of Australia
Trove Newspaper Achives
Parks Victoria
Collingwood Historical Society
Australian Places
Fairfield Boathouse
Studley Park Golf Club
Monument Australia
Yarra Bend Golf Club
Studley Park Boathouse
Victorian Heritage Database
Kew Historical Society
Boroondara Council
City of Yarra
Google Maps
Google Earth
Museum Victoria
Melbourne Water
Yarra: The History of Melbourne's Murky River (by Kristin Otto)
The Jubilee History of Kew - 1803 to 1910 (by F. C. A. Barnard)
Yarra Bend Park Trails Strategy Master Plan (Parks Vic)
Yarra Bend Park - Environmental Action Plan (Parks Vic)