
A total of 185 indigenous native fauna species have been recorded within Yarra Bend Park, including 125 bird, 10 mammal, 19 reptile, 15 butterfly, 5 amphibian and 11 freshwater fish
Yarra Bend Park contains 13 of Victoria’s 178 threatened fauna species including 7 endangered and 4 vulnerable
The first European settlers found that Australia’s native plants were not the same as the cereals, edible fruits and fibre plants of Europe. It was therefore thought necessary to import these plants and establish colonies in the Australian environment.
Other plant species which were of ornamental value were also introduced. In addition to deliberate introductions of pest plants many non-native plant species were successfully naturalised in Australia through accidental introductions via international trade and travel.
Under human influence a number of indigenous species have also been naturalised outside their range and are now considered pest plants in their non natural regions.
A total of 825 species of exotic plants have been introduced in Victoria. Of this total 576 species have been listed as environmental weeds. To date greater than 65% of the state carries wholly or predominantly exotic vegetation. There are approximately 381 non-indigenous plant species recorded within Yarra Bend Park. Of this total, 61 have been identified as warranting a risk as sessment due to both their legal status and their impact on the Park’s environmental values. These weed species include 19 species listed as Regionally Controlled weeds under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 and a further 42 plants considered to be "major environmental weeds"
Images of 1865 of the Yarra Bend Asylum (SLV)

Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum - 1865 (SLV)

Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum -Bridge 1865 (SLV)1865

Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum -1865(SLV) Infirmary

Yarra Bend Lunatic Asylum - the Grounds 1865 (SLV)